Kot Forêt

1 zoekertjes in Forêt

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Alle koten in Forêt (4870)

    types.apartment - Rue Bocquenade - Forêt (Trooz) - thumbnail

    4870 Forêt (Trooz)

    types.apartment  ⁄  1 slaapkamer  ⁄  30m2

    Aangepast op 06/09/2022
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iKot reviewer
Andreas uit Brugge
— Kotbaas op iKot.be

“I have the feeling not too many potential tentants visit your website, but the tentants that do come are very serious.”

iKot reviewer
Jozef uit Leuven
— Kotbaas op iKot.be

“If a student stops half way through the year, you can find another tenant with iKot.be (2 candidates in 2 days!) ”